Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Monday All!

Ok, I know you all probably don't enjoy mondays, in fact, I don't know many who do, but its a gift from God anyway, so enjoy it. Make mondays fun! I attempt to. Haha, I was just dancing like a mad person. It was really fun though. Dancing is fun. I would love to take lessons so it doesn't look like I'm having a seizure or something next time I'm dancing.a hahaha. But I have fun with it, so I guess it really shouldn't matter. ahaha. =D I just said fun alot. ahaha. Don't I have an extensive vocabulary?

So last night was the Academy Awards. Did anyone watch? I did. I can't stand how there are commercials after every two awards, but I do enjoy finding out who won, and seeing George Clooney in a bow tie. Haha, come on, you know for his age he's handsome. ahaha. I would love to attend the Academy Awards one day....I'd love to win one! ahaha. I know what you're thinking, "What would you like to win one for?" Well, Best Actress silly! ahaha. Jk, I really don't think I will be pursuing an acting career. But I am planning on pursuing a writing career, so Original Screenplay. Or, when Erika becomes a famous director, if she lets me help direct something....ahahahaha. Don't laugh people! Dream big! =D

So, question for all of you people who take the time to read my blog(bless you all), care to share one of your big dreams? If you don't have one, you need to get one. Dreaming makes life better. It really does.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hola Mi Amigas!!! Or Amigos!

Hahaha. Did you enjoy that? Thats about the extent of my knowledge of the spanish language. Oh yeah, and I can count to about twenty. ahaha. Anyway...
Did we all have a good Single Awareness Day? Haha. Mine was like any other day! I hope you all had a decent one.
Yesterday was my mother's birthday, and since she doesn't care, I'll tell you her age. She turned 47 years young. Haha, thats not old people, not to mention she thought she was turning 48. Haha. But I corrected her by showing her the math. Her mind is fleeting... ahaha.
Right now I'm listening to music waiting for my ipod to charge, while sending emails to Erika's phone. ahaha. Also, I'm enjoying a glass of moo juice. Well, sorta. haha. I don't like how it tastes at the moment. ahaha.
Well, if blog isn't totally pointless as of right now. Haha. But come on people, you're used to it. I'm boring, I have nothing to tell you about. Well, except my dreams...but those are weird and I don't feel like sharing those. Especially if by some chance the people that grace them somehow stumble across this blog. But lets just say over the past week in my dreams I almost married a boy( a very good looking boy who's name I will not mention) but I wanted his older brother who I was in love with(and he was in love with me) who got into an accident and was somehow saved by bacon being fried, rode a talking polor bear into an alternate demension, visited a friend in the burn unit of a hospital(not really someone I know) and been chased by some creepy person. So yeah... I don't know what the heck causes my dreams, but...ahaha.

Oh! Thats something I could talk about! Hahaha. I thought of something! Yay me! ahaha. So Twilight, the novel by Stephenie Meyer is being turned into a movie. I'm very excited. Yesterday a picture of the Cullen clan was put up, and I gotta say...Jackson Rathbone, who will be potraying Jasper Hale(Cullen),well...His hair horrifies me. It looks like a bad wig... I love Jasper...I hope his hair looks better on screen. ahaha.
Also, ok, so I looked up the people playing the Cullens. Well,Rosalie, Carlisle and Jasper are all blondes. The people potraying them? All original brunettes. ahahaha. I thought that was funny. They couldn't find any natural blondes who fit the criteria? ahaha. Oh well. The movie should rock! I'm excited.

Hm...what other pointless things could I talk about...Hmmm. I'm at a loss. ahaha. Um... Well...Yeah I got nothing. So I guess thats all for now. Adios!


Friday, February 8, 2008

Nothing quite like it!

My dad decided to treat himself to a little something special today. He bought himself a cd. And what a lovely cd my father purchesed, Fergie-The Dutchess. There really is nothing quite like listening to your 51 year old father singing "Big Girls Don't Cry." Its so glamorous, glamorous.

Haha, ok, so that last bit was cheap, but hey, if I made you smile, I did my job. Its friday afternoon, and I really should be doing school right now, but instead I am blogging about pretty useless information. Well, since I don't want to waste my time for nothing, I'll talk about something important to me.

The Jonas Brothers, i.e. my favorite band, kicked off their "Look Me In The Eyes" tour just about a week ago. I sadly, do not have the pleasure of going to see them and their amazing back up band even though they will be a mere 50 minute or so drive from here. How frustrating for me. But, Erika, My best friend in the entire world, got to see them last Saturday. Let me tell you, it sounds amazing. If you can, go see the show. You won't regret it, you'll have a blast. And if you don't, it will be because you choose to make yourself have a miserable time. Erika also poned everyone at that show, well almost everyone. Haha, I don't feel like explaining why, but basically everyone there testified Nick is hers. ahahaha. Also, they are playing my favorite song on this new tour. I thought that they'd never play it again...But they did. "Underdog" it be called. If you haven't heard of it till recently, shame on you! But seriously, check out the show, I've seen the videos on youtube. Its amazing. Haha, Trash cans and fire extinguishers. Life is good.

Garbo, JB's bass player, has a blog. You can find the link on the left side of my blog, its called "Lets Go On Tour." Check it out. Not only is this guy an amazing musician, but he is also one of the funniest guys in the world. I love reading his blogs. And if you read his latest one, you may find yourself sympathizing with him as I did. Really, read his blog.

Who watched the Super Bowl on Sunday? Me too!!! Who rooted for the Patriots? They lost! ahaha. I was so glad they did. Giants all the way baby! Now believe it or not, I actually love the Colts, but it was time for the other Manning to win. =D Kudos Eli and team!!!

Well now that I'm done stealing all my dad's Fergie songs, I'm gonna charge my ipod, take a shower and see if I can force myself to get some education in.

Live Long and Prosper! ahahah. No idea why I said that. I'm not a Trekky. Haha. That is from Star Trek Right? Yeah yeah, shoot me if you must. ahahah
