Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Monday All!

Ok, I know you all probably don't enjoy mondays, in fact, I don't know many who do, but its a gift from God anyway, so enjoy it. Make mondays fun! I attempt to. Haha, I was just dancing like a mad person. It was really fun though. Dancing is fun. I would love to take lessons so it doesn't look like I'm having a seizure or something next time I'm dancing.a hahaha. But I have fun with it, so I guess it really shouldn't matter. ahaha. =D I just said fun alot. ahaha. Don't I have an extensive vocabulary?

So last night was the Academy Awards. Did anyone watch? I did. I can't stand how there are commercials after every two awards, but I do enjoy finding out who won, and seeing George Clooney in a bow tie. Haha, come on, you know for his age he's handsome. ahaha. I would love to attend the Academy Awards one day....I'd love to win one! ahaha. I know what you're thinking, "What would you like to win one for?" Well, Best Actress silly! ahaha. Jk, I really don't think I will be pursuing an acting career. But I am planning on pursuing a writing career, so Original Screenplay. Or, when Erika becomes a famous director, if she lets me help direct something....ahahahaha. Don't laugh people! Dream big! =D

So, question for all of you people who take the time to read my blog(bless you all), care to share one of your big dreams? If you don't have one, you need to get one. Dreaming makes life better. It really does.


1 comment:

rikkiluv said...

YAY ACADEMY AWARDS!!! I was disappointed with this years....
haha yeah...George Clooney is handsome.
Woo Whooo!! I'd love to be a famous director!!!

My biggest dream is to of course win an Oscar. :D
Or to make a difference in someone's life in a MAJOR way