Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hey Hey Hey! Its another Saturday!

So I'm bored. How are all of you? Good I hope. I'm going to a christian camp for two weeks this summer. And it is only a one week camp. So basically I'm going in two sessions. One with my friends Rachel and Rebecca, and another with my church youth group. Actually, I am going two weeks in a row. I'm kind of excited, kind of not. Especially for the week with Rachel and Rebecca. This guy I used to like is going that week too. See, I liked him, but he liked Rachel. In fact, he asked me for her email, after he said he forgot my name. Of course I didn't give it to him, not without Rachel's permission. But a different friend did give Rachel's email out. She was mad! She didn't like this guy. I'm way over him, but I just don't want him swooning over Rachel for a week. That would be sooo annoying. You know, everytime I have liked a guy, he has liked my best frineds instead. Maybe I should swear guys off altogether 'cause apparently none like me... Ah, what am I saying, I might find one someday who loves me for me...

Friday, February 16, 2007

If you like musicals raise your hand!!! (hands raised!!!)

Hey look people that are reading, a new blog! Yay! So on tuesday, I saw Hairspray the musical! It was awesome! It was humorous, had catchy songs, a really cute guy, what more could you want in a musical? Constantine Rousouli who played Link Larkin, was amazing. That boy is gorgeous and has the voice of an angel! Seriously, kudos for him. It was just a great show. Ooh, and he could dance too!

Valentines day, sigh, nothing exciting. Some person I don't know that added me on IM, was talking to me, and was sort of asking questions I wasn't going to answer. Hello? This is the internet, I'm not quite that stupid. Though I do say some things that could hint things for those smart enough to figure it out. But it would be creepy if someone really wanted to know that bad.

Oh yeah, also on tuesday, I got two cds! Yay! Ashley Tisdale's, and the Hairspray cd, recorded by the original cast on Broadway. Listened to both quite a few times already. But right now I am listening to Metro Station. Love them. Woo! Haha, I love alot of people!

To stay on the topic of Hairspray, people who know me well know I'm a fan of Zac Efron, who will be portraying Link Larkin in the movie musical, musical movie Hairspray set to come out this summer. Well, not only is he adorable with black hair, but they are making dolls too! I want one! Haha. On tuesday I spent $30 at the stage production of it. $10 for an "I heart Link" button(the shape heart, not the word), and $20 for the cd. So I definately have to get a doll! Although I kind of wish it was a Constantine doll, he was so cute!

Ok, so now that I have told you all about the Hairspray love, and not doing much on Valentines Day, you see how boring yet exciting my life sometimes is, oh, and creepy too. Oh yeah, I played Kingdom Hearts 2 almost everyday this week. I love that game(and the first one too, but I don't have that one). Thanks for reading.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Hey! I think people actually might be reading this!!!!!

So its almost 1 a.m.!!!! What in the world am I doing up still?????? Aw, don't be silly people, I can't go to bed till I do the dishes. And there is no way I am doing that till at least 1:30. Hahahaha.

Ok, so my mom wouldn't let me take the acting classes. Minor set back. I will take them someday. Maybe not the same ones, at the same place, but I am going to get classes, and I am going to try and pursue my dreams. I'm determined. And people know, don't get in the way of a determined girl. We can be fiesty! Hahahahaha. I know I say ha alot. But I love to laugh.

Monday, was my happy day. Seriously, it started out great. Someone said something that made me feel really good about myself, even if it only lasted a little while and that person really doesn't know me, but still. I found my journal that has been missing for two months, and I found my junky digital camera that has been missing for like a year. Even though its junky, I still found it! So monday was my happy day. And Heroes was on! No one could get me down. Sadly, today and yesterday weren't so happy. I just kind of broke down. I guess the way my sibs treat me finally got to me. I was seriously emotional. Now, I'm usually not one to be dramatic unless I am acting, but I was kind of dramatic for those two days. But hopefully, the rest of the week will be better.

Well, I guess I better go do the dishes. And then go to bed. Thanks for reading, hope its not a total waste of your time. Check out Ashley Tisdale's cd "Headstrong". Its really good. I listened to it, now I got to buy it. Though my mother wouldn't like that either.... Anyway. Have a good week!!!!


P.S. If you are a teenage boy, preferably older than 14, and you aren't a creepy stalker weirdo, I still need someone to call my valentine, so leave a comment! Lol.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Dreams! They're great right?

Ok people, what is one of the most dreamed of jobs? Come on, I know you know the answer. Say it with me now, ACTING! Seriously, I bet if you surveyed 100 kids between the ages of 10 and 20 about what they want to be, more than half of them would answer actor or singer. Well guess what? If you surveyed me, I would say actress too. But that is what I dream of doing. And I have dreamed of it for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately for me, no one is really supportive of my dream with the exception of my amazing cousin Amanda, who is in my profile pic with me. Seriously though, my mother thinks I'm never going to make it, and if I did, she's convinced I would end up in rehab for something or another. That is not true at all. I wouldn't make myself any unhealthier than I am now because all the junk I eat. My dad says if I can do it, go for it, but I don't think he is going to pay for acting classes for me. My sister and brother just laugh. Sweet aren't they?

There are definately a few things you need to get into the buisness. One of which is talent. Now, I honestly don't know if I have talent in the acting department are not. But I would like to think I do. I mean, alot of times when I joke around with friends, they always say, " Are you serious?" I'm usually not. But really, I can't do anything else. I'm not exceptional at anything!!! Everybody has to have some sort of talent though right? So, since I've tried everything else, it has to be acting!!!!!!! I would do anything to have my shot. And I would love to act in like a disney movie or something with Mitchel. That would rock. But hey, this post just sounds like something every teenage girl would tell you right? Well, I'm different. I really am.

Well, I printed out a registration form for 6 acting classes at my community theatre. Now I just have to get it there by monday with $75! Too bad right now I only have $22. Gosh that sucks. Anyway, if you read this, I thank you for taking the time to read it. Hope I didn't bore you too much.
