Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Long time no blog!

So, its been a little over two weeks since I last blogged, so since I'm bored, I figure I'll catch you up. My brother's birthday was on the 11th, how good for him right? ahaha. He turned 12. On the 7th I believe it was, my cousin comments me on myspace asking me to go to some lockin with her at her boyfriend's church. I was unsure about going, but I decided to anyway. It wasn't bad. ahah. Amanda's boyfriend asked me to bear his child. ahaha. I said no. They also tried to get me to touch this one guy's chest, and grab his butt. I did not, needless to say. I'm not that type of girl and it was very awkward. Haha, but other than the few awkward moments, I had a decent time. Plus I managed to stay awake almost the whole time. I got maybe 10 minutes of sleep.
I bought a hat at walmart on sunday...Its green, has snoopy on it and says I love nerds. I love it. ahaha. Yesterday was St. Patricks Day, and my mom decided to embrace the fact that we are part irish and make us eat corned beef and cabbage. I didn't like it.... ahaha. I ended up eating cereal instead. Yum! ahahah. Honey Bunches of Oats! ahaha
Oh yeah! Hahaha, I'm pretty much an idiot...ahaha. My brother got guitar hero 2 and 3 for his birthday. Its fun, I beat both on easy....ahaha, but I can barely play on medium. ahahah. Like, really, barely. Maybe I should stick to Kingdom Hearts 2....Nah, I like Guitar Hero. ahahah.
So yeah, thats about all you've missed. Not much, I know...But haven't we learned by now I'm not very interesting? ahaha. Ooh, I can tell you this though, Yesterday I watched the 2007 movie TMNT! It rocked. I missed those turtles. And I also watched the first, and original 3 Ninjas. ahaha. I was a big fan of the turtles and the 3 ninjas as a kid.... I had all the movies...But my mom took them away when my brother decided he wanted to try those moves on me... She also took away Tekken and Bloody Roar. What was I supposed to do then without my ninja movies and violent video games? ahaha.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, I experienced something monumental! My first taste of Ben & Jerry's Ice cream. I had the flavor Chunky Monkey. Now, this is a flavor frowned upon by Erika, Kevin and Corry, the only people I know of that don't like bananas, but I myself enjoyed it immensely. I know you are all extremely curious as to how such a pivotal moment in my life finally occurred and this is why I will share with you how this came about.

At approximately 12:10 p.m. eastern standard time, my mother and I arrived home from church to find my father watching a show on the national geographic channel. This show was all about discovering how some of the worlds most loved sweet treats were made. They included jelly belly beans, licorice, peeps, and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. I merely exclaimed I had never had the pleasure to grace my taste buds with the what appeared to be delicious B&J's ice cream. Being the incredibly amazing man he is, my father drove down to the store and brought me back some Ben and Jerry's. It was delicious.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

March is here children!

What does that mean? Well, it means we won't see February 29th again until I'm 21 years old, and also that I know many with birthdays this month. My brother's is on the 11th, my cousin's is on the 20th, and Beth's is the 21st. Wow. What a shame I'll be broke and will ony be able to get them cards. Which reminds me, I need to mail Merry a birthday card...Her birthday was a couple days ago. Whoops.

So, its a saturday, and I'm bored. I know, shocking isn't it? ahahaha. So I read Garbo's blog today, and he said his sister will be attending college in the fall. This leads me to believe she is close to my age. Which also caused me to start thinking about college again. Ugh....Growing up is hard. But I don't feel like blogging about that, so changing subject right about now...

As always, this blog is pretty much pointless. So, since this was just some sort of, "I'm completely bored out of my mind, oh I know, lets rant in a blog." entry, I'm just going to leave now...ahaha.


What is the most played song you have on your music player? Or if you don't have one, what song do you think you listen to the most?
